Top 5 millionaire business ideas in 2023

Business ideas;As a 25-year-old law school dropout with no prior business experience, I was able to build a multi-million-dollar company in a matter of years because I chose the right business idea at this point. 

I've worked with thousands of entrepreneurs over the years, and I can tell you that simply working hard isn't a recipe for success. To almost guarantee success, you must have the right opportunity in which you are working hard.

So I'm going to discuss what constitutes a great business idea or a great business opportunity, followed by the top five business opportunities. 

I've seen good businesses, bad businesses, good industries, bad offers, good teams, bad teams, and so I've distilled all of the characteristics that I noticed I did wrong when I first started my business and now I help people do right as they launch their business to market.

One of the best things you can do when starting a new business is to directly affect someone else's revenue. So, while it may appear obvious, many people are considering becoming life coaches, holistic coaches, or personal trainers, and all of that is fantastic.

One of the simplest ways to persuade someone to give you money is to almost guarantee that you will directly return the money.  My company is able to make more than $10 million because we directly build client acquisition systems. This results in more money for our clients.

I'd have to educate my client on that, which I'm not saying you can't do; I'm just saying it's more difficult. Rather than saying, "Hey, your happiness is worth $5000, so give me three thousand dollars," I'm saying, "Hey, I'm going to make you $10000, so give me $5000." You can see how much simpler that sale is.

Top 5 millionaire business ideas in 2023

The second thing I'm considering as I try to start a new business is whether there is a desperate need in this industry. So it's not just a nice to have, it's not just like, oh yeah, that would really help me out, but like, Oh my god, I'm not going to live unless I have this thing right now. 

Perhaps you've tried a few businesses in the past, or your friends or family have tried a few businesses in the past, and they failed. One of the primary reasons could be that they were selling a desirable item. 

I'll give you a few examples of desirable features. Something nice to have could be something that, you know, makes your face look a little better. It improves the smell of your hair slightly. When something like a Porsche or something along those lines isn't going to completely transform that person's life, it's a nice to have.

Now, once again, just like I talked about earlier with the direct impact on revenue, you could argue that a Porsche is an increase in status. An increase in sales will get you better people around you and that will change your life. But you're making a lot of leaps in order to make that happen. 

Now, if you go and you find an audience that is dying for this thing, then whenever you sell it to them, they'll pay whatever price is required.

This is why the e-learning market is exploding right now and why a lot of people are becoming online. Coaches and, of course, creators is because they are going to be able to say, Hey, that big problem that you have right now, I'm going to solve it for you.

They aren't reading the reviews and simply saying, "Oh, please, please solve this need for me." Here's $5000. So even a bad business owner can make sales if there is a desperate enough need in the market, and the final thing I'm looking for here before I dive into the actual business ideas that I would start myself is the markets. 

Is the market expanding? Is it getting smaller? Are more people joining it every day, or are other people bringing more people into this market for me so that I can sell more people into it? 

How much money is there in this market, and how much disposable income is there? Because it will be much easier to sell to a growing market with a higher disposable income than to a shrinking market with a lower disposable income? 

So, even if the market is expanding, they don't have a lot of disposable income. Paul shifted his offer to actually assisting CEOs in developing and building their leadership teams, and he's worked for Apple, Nestlé, and a few other companies, and because he's going after Fortune 500 CEOs.

Companies now have much more disposable income to use and can grow their businesses as a result, so both offers are very similar. They're both teaching people how to communicate more effectively. 

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However, because he is targeting an industry and a market, such as Fortune 500 CEOs or CEOs of large corporations, he is able to charge more and it is an easier sell for him.

So, now that you know all of the characteristics of a great business opportunity, let's talk about five business opportunities that I would pursue if I were to restart my company.

What are the 5 most profitable businesses?

  1. Job temp agency.
  2. Video editing and distribution.
  3. Sales funnel creation.
  4. Online course creation.
  5. Remote integration.

1. Job temp agency.

Today, I'm saving the best for last. As I work more and more with different clients, especially clients with large businesses, the first sign of a business that I would start today is a recruiting business. One of their most significant pain points and issues is attracting high-quality talent. 

If they are a seasoned business owner, they most likely have a sizable amount of capital available for investment. Second, they are already aware that a single good employee can generate hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in direct revenue to their bottom line. 

So, if you can go find an interview and place that great talent or employee for them, they're willing to give you 30-40% of that person's first year salary, and if the person you're replacing there makes $100,000 a year, you can easily make 30 or 40 thousand dollars from that person.

Top 5 millionaire business ideas.

What exactly am I, good friends? He earns over $80,000 per year in the SAS world, placing high-level talent such as engineers and CMOs for various SAS companies, and he began two years ago with no prior work experience. 

And because it was such a desperate need, he was able to get his chops and learn on the job, and now he's one of the best in the industry at it, and he's able to go do it for them once they place one person with my buddy because it's so desperately needed.

They'll go through the second, third, and fourth people. So one client to my friend could be worth a million dollars because it's such a desperate need and he's able to solve it for them with a little bit of work, and because he's able to solve it for them with a little bit of work, they're able to make five, ten, or fifteen times what they're currently making. As a result, it has a direct impact on their bottom line.

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2. Video editing and distribution.

The second business I would launch today is video editing and distribution. Some may argue that this has no direct impact on the bottom line, and I would respond that you may be correct, but if you target the right people, such as myself, there is a direct impact on the number of videos I shoot and the amount of money I make every single month.

Then one could argue that there is a direct relationship between the two. So I have a few clients who run video editing businesses or their own businesses where they provide creative assistance to other people's companies that do video editing and video distribution.

Let's say I make four YouTube videos per month, just for the sake of simplicity. As a result, I'm able to earn $5000 per month from these YouTube videos. 

If I didn't have to edit the videos myself, I could probably double the number of videos I make per month, and I could make maybe $10000 per month from my YouTube videos, and I could stop doing what I hated.

So, because I was earning an extra $5000 per month by working with you, I could easily pay you two to three thousand dollars per month for the work you gave me. 

We also know that this is a growing market as more businesses go online. As the e-learning market expands, more and more people are selling over video teaching or a video, as well as doing pretty much everything else over a video.

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3. Sales funnel creation.

The third type of business that I would start and currently do is sales funnel creation. So, as I previously stated, it is not to grow. More and more businesses are going online, while fewer and fewer businesses are still going door to door.

If you can build a good enough sales funnel for someone else, you can triple, fivefold, or tenfold their top line revenue. From their YouTube videos to this website, which collects information, educates prospects, nurtures them, and even collects payment on the sales funnel. This has a direct effect on their revenue.

This is exactly what I do for my clients when it comes to scaling. What systems is that my clients will typically come to me with an audience and an offer, but they have no way to connect these two on a scalable level, and I'll put together a sales funnel for them. 

What we can do with the audience they have. Cold traffic, such as Facebook ads or YouTube ads, provides an additional audience. Send it through this sales funnel, where they will be educated and warmed up. 

They learn a little bit more about them and then go, "Wow, I really want to buy this stuff." And then, at the end of the sales funnel, they either scheduled a call. Alternatively, they will purchase based on the price of the sales funnel itself.

One of the main reasons I am so excited about this opportunity is that you can actually profit from all of the sales made by this one sales funnel. 

You could take a 5% or 10% revenue share on all money that goes through that funnel. So, if you assist someone in making a million dollars through that sales funnel, which is not unheard of, you could take home 10% of that.

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4. Online course creation.

Now, let me first say that I dislike the term "course" because it has such a negative connotation because so many of you create quote-unquote courses that are only three modules long. 

They don't actually teach anyone anything. But if you do it correctly, either for yourself or for someone else, you can seriously assist someone in achieving a transformation through e-learning, online learning, coaching calls, one-on-ones, templates, assets, and the like.

There is a growing industry of people who are doing done for you services right now. They are doing one on one coaching groups, coaching online courses, masterminds. 

You can do it so that you can take whatever knowledge or expertise that you have and turn it into a course in sales information. You can assist others in doing the same. So I have a few clients who work with, you know, experts, authors, that type of person whose market is shrinking. 

People who read books are decreasing, and instead of selling, "Hey, here's the book, and you make a one-time payment," your margin is about $5. 

Sales funnel creation.

Let's take your expertise and turn it into a course or program over here. I'll assist you in building it, and you'll take 10%, 15%, or 20% of whatever revenue they generate through those core sales. 

The idea is that they are in a shrinking industry with low profit margins, and you are assisting them in transitioning to a high, fast-growing industry with higher profit margins while taking a cut along the way.

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5. Remote integration.

Remote integration is the fifth and best business idea that I have for you that checks all of the boxes that I mentioned earlier for the characteristics of a great business idea.

This is actually exactly what I started just a few years ago. What remote integration is is essentially where you're helping establish business owners unlock bottlenecks inside their business so that they can scale. 

I have clients that pay me literally seventy five thousand dollars for just aFew hours of work as a remote integrator. I came in here and created a slew of softwares and systems that allowed him to go from onboarding five clients per month to onboarding ten to fifteen clients every month.  

As a result, he doubled his monthly revenue, doubling his annual revenue, and he's making over $2 million in additional revenue from the one thing I did for him, and that's not capped; he can make an additional $10 million from it next year.

So it's easy to charge someone $20, $30, $50, or $80000 if you know you're going to unlock one million, two million, or three million dollars for them as a result of your efforts. 

As a remote integrator, I've personally made millions of dollars, and I've taught hundreds of other students how to make multiple six-figure incomes.

As remote integrators, they can earn multiple seven-figure salaries. And because they all come from different backgrounds, you don't need much prior experience.

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