5 Business Ideas For College Students In 2023

Business Ideas; Today, I'll tell you about five such business ideas that you can pursue as a college student in 2023. In this case, there is no need for an initial investment.

You can do this with little or no money. You can start these businesses, and I believe that the best time to start any business or side hustle is during your college years.

To begin with, you have plenty of time and energy to work on and grow your business. Second, because you are so young, you are aware of all the current trends and can work on smart and innovative business ideas. 

Third, because you have plenty of time. You can improve your skills. You can learn such skills, which will help you in your business. So, without further ado, let us begin our countdown. But first, I'd like to ask you a question. 

As a college student, consider any business or idea. Which, if it existed, would have been fantastic for college students. Any such issue confronting college students, as well as any business that can solve it. 

Consider it and let me know what you think in the comments. So the first business concept is one that I developed while still in college. It was my first foray into entrepreneurship. 

1. providing mentorship to school students

I started in my second year of college, and I believe that anyone can start a business now. You can earn money in just one week, and this is essentially a business of providing mentorship to school students.

Just so you know, I'm not talking about tuition or coaching classes when I say mentorship. During my college years, I founded a JEE mentorship startup/business. My company's name was "My JEE Mentor," and it catered to all JEE and IIT JEE aspirants. 

We used to mentor them, and what was basically in the mentorship, A high school student studying for the JEE We used to match him with a college student.

As you can imagine, such a college student who has already taken JEE and scored well in it, used to provide mentorship to the school student and used to mentor for JEE preparation. 

The school students used to pay for mentorship/ assistance, and that was our revenue source. I repeat, we did not provide tuition classes or coaching. We used to help them with their JEE preparation.

5 Business Ideas For College Students In 2023

We used to guide them as mentors. It is not necessary to provide only JEE mentorship as a sort of big brother who is assisting you in your JEE preparation. If you are a medical student, you can apply for NEET mentorship. 

If you are a commerce student, I am not sure what exam they have, but you can provide that mentorship. You can also mentor them for a board exam and earn this as a solo business. Wherever you provide mentorship, you are mentoring children. You can also form your own team, as I did.

2. Start a College branded merchandise business

I'll tell you right now that this business idea is essentially starting your own college merchandise business. You can launch your own merchandise company. 

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I'm not talking about any general Merchandise business where you sell T-shirts and hoodies. I propose that you start a College branded merchandise business. What does this imply?

You are in the college branded merchandise business because you manufacture products or merchandise. These are only for your college students. 

Your primary target audience is college students, and your t-shirts and hoodies should be designed in such a way that college students can relate to them. They should have a connection. 

For example, perhaps your college has an insider joke. Or any quote or line that is well-known among your college students. Alternatively, any insider information.

Then you use these items to design your T-shirt or hoodie. What happens after your print or design is inspired by these popular things? You can create an Instagram page. 

You can also circulate these designs on Whatsapp groups and set a price for them. Those who want to buy these T-shirts or hoodies can do so for this price, and if you go to a manufacturer and place a bulk order, say 100 or more pieces, you will save money. Then I believe a high-quality T-shirt can be printed for around Rs.150-160. 

Which you can resell for Rs.250-300. So a T-shirt can be made for Rs.150 profit and a good quality hoodie can be made for Rs.500,550, or 600. If you are placing a bulk order.

Which you can resell for Rs.800-900. So a profit of Rs.200-300 on one hoodie. You can start your merchandise business this way. In your college and about me, I printed IIITD branded hoodies in my final year. 

For a few of my classmates, and despite the fact that I did not do it for profit, I only took it to make my friends happy. Obviously, I took their money. In exchange for their own hoodie. 

However, as a result of these, I gained some experience in the merchandise business, and I realized it wasn't all that difficult or complicated.

3. Graphic video editor

People are consuming more online content as a result of the boom in digital marketing. Many businesses need to improve their online presence. As a result, they require video editors and designers. 

Many content creators require assistance with video editing or thumbnail design. In various types of design. You can also start your own one-stop shop.

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In website designing, app designing In this things also you can provide your services, and because you are college students, So in comparison to market, You can provide many competitive rates to your clients. 

This will help you in bringing new clients and to scale your business, and I am pretty sure, At some point of life I will definitely do this. And this is a business which is world famous in full india.

4. Build a small Tea shop

In your college campus itself, You need to build a small & cute Tea shop. In this tea shop you can sell different types of Tea. Or you can also sell coffee, and many small food items. 

Tea believe me is a very high margin business, and those who come to these tea stalls They don't buy only tea.

5 Business Ideas For College Students.

Like patties, maggi, Anything you think that college students like eating, and because this shop will be of a college student, I am pretty sure for other college students, It will be drive factor or a means of marketing. 

Oh this shop is of one of our college students shop. So we should try it. Or to help this guys shop, Or to promote we should buy from his shop.

You need less time to acquire skills for it and you can completely learn it free of cost and finally you as college student, Can provide competitive rates. 

5. Web design company

This idea is of starting your own web development business and Web development as you can guess is such a business Where you create websites for people. 

As I earlier told you, At this time there many such small businesses, Who are trying to build their online presence and the most important thing to build online presence is To have your own website and usually these business are so small, So they can't afford to have a dedicated employpee Who will create a website for them & maintain it. 

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Nor do they have skills to build a website, and this situation creates a big oppurtunity for you. You can work as a single web developer. In your own business. Or you can keep a team of web developers, As your bussiness start scaling. 

To is not difficult to learn web development. On youtube full Web debelopment Free of cost and easily You can learn it. In fact you will need just 3-4 weeks of time, If you don't know web development. 

To learn how to make websites and if your goal is to do job In some big company or startup, Then I think this web development experience, Will be very helpful for you. It will be added to your resume. When your employers will see, You have website development experience. 

This was a quick discussion about 5 Business Ideas For College Students In 2023 Share with us your opinion and suggestions.

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