Top 10 Smallest business to start in 2023

Life as we know it has changed dramatically in ways we never imagined since the beginning of 2020. During these difficult times, many people give up on their dreams, but this is not the solution. 

You can still achieve your goals if you are willing to put in the effort. That's why I'm going to show you ten interesting business ideas that are recession-proof and can make you a lot of money in this article. Don't give up on your dreams just yet; there's still time!

Why should you start a recession-proof business? 

There are numerous reasons to start a recession-resistant business. For one thing, a recession-proof business is more likely to be stable and grow steadily during economic downturns. 

This can provide some stability for entrepreneurs who are dealing with other personal or professional challenges. Furthermore, a recession-proof business is often able to capitalize on opportunities that arise during economic downturns. 

Entrepreneurs can position themselves to take advantage of market conditions and emerge from a recession stronger than ever by launching a business designed to weather financial storms.

Finally, starting a recession-resistant business can simply be a wise financial decision. Entrepreneurs can protect their own finances and build long-term wealth by investing in a company designed to withstand economic hardships. Starting a recession-proof business is often a wise choice for entrepreneurs, regardless of the reason.

What Makes A Business Recession Proof? 

There is no single factor that makes a business recession proof, but successful businesses often share several key characteristics. To begin, a business must have strong and consistent sales in order to be recession proof. 

This entails diversifying your offerings in order to appeal to a wide range of customers, as well as staying on top of market trends in order to react quickly and adjust your product line as needed.

Furthermore, it is critical for businesses to be efficient in their operations. This includes utilizing technology to streamline processes, sourcing materials and labor responsibly, and ensuring the company's financial health by closely monitoring cash flow. 

Finally, truly recession-proof businesses are adaptable and resilient; they recognize that conditions will inevitably change over time, whether as a result of new regulations or changing consumer tastes, and they can roll with the punches to remain competitive in any economic climate.

In short, what makes a business recession-proof is a combination of skilled management, meticulous planning, sound judgment, and unwavering dedication. Let's take a look at ten businesses that are recession-proof or have a low to medium economic impact.

Smallest business recession proof to start

  1. Real Estate and Property Management. 
  2. Start a home cleaning business. 
  3. launch an online store.
  4. Online teaching courses.
  5. Offer personal chef services.
  6. Sell handmade items.
  7. Becoming a consultant. 
  8. Mobile app development service.
  9. Food and beverage business. 
  10. Start a pet sitting business. 

1. Real Estate and Property Management

When it comes to business, success is frequently synonymous with stability. To weather the inevitable economic ups and downs that occur over the course of a company's life, it is critical to select an industry that offers long-term growth opportunities, regardless of what is happening in the rest of the world. 

Real estate and property management is one such sector, which is expanding and has great potential for success. With a high demand for housing, both long-term and short-term rental options, real estate and property management businesses have a variety of options to meet their customers' needs

Whether you specialize in residential or commercial properties, there will always be a demand for your services, making this one of the most recession-proof industries available today.

Additionally, since real estate requires relatively low start-up costs compared to other types of businesses, starting and running an investment property business can be an attractive choice for entrepreneurs with limited resources.

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2. Start a home cleaning business

This is another service that people will always require, regardless of the state of the economy. Homeowners and businesses alike will always require assistance in keeping their space clean. 

It can feel like everyone is trying to get ahead in today's competitive economy. With constant market fluctuations, it can be difficult to predict which businesses will succeed and which will fail.

Top Smallest business to start in 2023.

Starting a home cleaning service is one business idea that has proven to be recession-proof. People will always require assistance in keeping their homes clean and orderly, regardless of the economic climate. 

And, with all of the tools and equipment available for do-it-yourself cleaning, there's no need to hire a large staff or purchase expensive products to launch your own successful business.

Anyone can start their own home cleaning business with just a little time and effort, making it an excellent choice for entrepreneurs looking for a way to weather even the most difficult economic storms.

3. launch an online store

Selling items online has grown in popularity in recent years as more consumers turn to the internet for all of their shopping needs. If you're looking for a recession-proof business idea that is simple to launch and allows you to work from home, opening an online store could be the ideal solution. 

People buy a wide range of products online, including electronics, clothing, books, and toys. Finding a niche with high demand and low competition, such as selling rare or hard-to-find vintage items, is critical to launching a successful online business. 

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If you want to succeed in this highly competitive market, you must cultivate relationships with vendors and carefully manage your inventory. Starting an online store, with the right guidance, tools, and knowledge, can be a great way to make money during even the most difficult economic times.

4. Online teaching courses

One of the most important things we can do to make our business more recession-proof is to think creatively. One excellent way to do this is to earn money by teaching classes or workshops. This is especially useful if you already have expertise in a particular field, such as photography or graphic design.

You can not only increase your bottom line by offering courses that help others improve their skills in these fields, but you can also connect with potential customers and build your reputation as an expert in your field.

As an added bonus, teaching classes allows us to broaden our network while staying current on developments in our field. So, if you're looking for new ways to keep your business thriving even in difficult economic times, consider teaching workshops or classes and begin marketing yourself as the best resource available!

5. Offer personal chef services

Consider starting your own personal chef business if you are passionate about cooking and have years of experience. People are constantly looking for ways to save time, and one method is to hire someone to cook meals for them. 

This is an excellent option for busy families or working professionals who do not have the time to prepare dinner every night.

Personal chef services can range from preparing dinner for a few nights to preparing all of the meals for an entire week. You can also provide additional services like grocery shopping and meal planning. 

The ability to provide high-quality food that meets your clients' dietary needs and preferences is critical to success in this business. If you're up for the challenge, starting a personal chef business could be the ideal way to make a living during even the most difficult economic times.

6. Sell handmade items

Selling handmade goods is another great recession-proof business idea. There are many people out there looking for unique and one-of-a-kind items, whether you're a painter, writer, or jewelry maker, which means that starting your own small business selling handmade goods can be extremely profitable. 

Etsy and Amazon Handmade are two online marketplaces where vendors can sell their products. To succeed in this market, it's critical to find a niche with little competition, such as selling handcrafted kitchen utensils or natural children's toys. 

You must also be able to provide excellent customer service and effectively market your products to potential customers. However, if you're creative, passionate about your work, and willing to put in the effort, selling handmade goods can be a great way to make money in even the most difficult economic times.

7. Becoming a consultant

Being a consultant is one of the most recession-resistant business opportunities available. Businesses frequently seek the advice of consultants as they seek to streamline and improve efficiency. 

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This demand is fueled by consultants' specialized knowledge in fields such as marketing, finance, information technology, and operations management. Furthermore, clients are frequently willing to pay top dollar for quality advice from industry experts with a track record of success.

So, whether you're an experienced professional looking to change careers or a new entrepreneur, becoming a consultant can be a great way to weather economic downturns while still growing your income and reputation. 

With the right combination of strategy, hard work, and passion, you can build a thriving consulting practice that will provide long-term stability and revenue. 

8. Mobile app development service

Developing an app is one of the most promising recession-proof business opportunities available. Businesses are increasingly looking for ways to reach customers through mobile channels as smartphones and tablets become more popular. 

One of the best ways to accomplish this is to create a custom app that can be used on multiple devices. The great thing about creating mobile apps is that there are endless business opportunities. 

Some businesses hire app developers to assist them in developing in-house apps, while others rely on third-party vendors to create custom solutions for their needs.

Smallest business to start.

Furthermore, one current trend in the app world is the development of so-called "freemium" apps, which are free to download but offer premium features for a fee. With so many options, it's easy to see why creating an app can be a great way to start or grow a business during a downturn. 

The key is to identify a niche market with unmet needs and create an app that meets those needs in a novel and intuitive manner. With the right mix of strategy, perseverance, and passion, you can build a successful app business that will thrive regardless of economic conditions.

9. Food and beverage business

Few things are more important than staying ahead of the latest trends when it comes to running a successful food and beverage business. 

Whether it's street food carts or upscale bistros, those who succeed in this industry understand how to provide customers with something they can't get anywhere else. 

For many entrepreneurs, this means coming up with new and unexpected ways to use existing resources. This is one of the reasons why starting a food and beverage business during a recession can be such a wise decision. 

Businesses in this sector can save money while delighting their customers with unique offerings by focusing on inexpensive ingredients, seasonality, and minimal waste.

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Furthermore, by focusing on local suppliers and innovative preparation methods, businesses can ensure that their supply lines remain resilient even during times of market volatility. 

Finally, the ability to stand out in a crowd says as much about the business owner's creativity and vision as it does about the demand for their product.

10. Start a pet sitting business

Do you have a soft spot for animals? If so, starting your own pet sitting business could be the ideal way to turn your passion for animals into a profitable business. As a pet sitter, you will care for pets while their owners are away, feeding, watering, and exercising them. 

When they are lonely, you must also provide companionship and a shoulder to cry on. Pet sitting can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience in addition to providing a necessary service.

People are always looking for someone to look after their pets while they are away, and this is a service that you can provide. This is an excellent recession-proof business because people will still need to travel even in difficult economic times. 

So, if you're looking for a way to make some extra money while meeting new furry friends, pet sitting could be the perfect business for you. Thank you for tuning in! I hope you found these suggestions useful.

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