How to Create a Professional Google Business Email Account?

Google Business Email; In this article, I'd like to address two issues. When we want to send emails from our website, or perhaps cold emails, we use We want to appear professional Google Business Email, and we want access to your inbox, which is exactly what I'm going to do today.

Simply by setting up a professional business email address, you can get started, and the best part is that it is completely free. Let's get started and see why a business email address is so important in just thirty seconds. 

Let us look at an example. This is my email inbox. If you go ahead and open this email, You'll notice that it's an email from Let's return to my inbox. When we open this email, we notice that it is from the website 

So it's a business email address. Just a quick question Which one do you think is more professional and whom I can put my trust in? I'll give you a second to think about it. Obviously, I'll believe whoever has a website name.

The second important point is that we use reputable companies for business email. Companies that have been verified include Google, Microsoft, and others. This will greatly assist us in reaching our inbox directly.

How to create a Google business email for free?

Now, let's look at how to make a business email. What are the various methods for creating a business email? Then I'll show you how to Create a free business email. So Google Workspace is ranked first. It's also known as Google gSuite.

We can begin with six dollars per month. It's a great service, based on how I'm using it. The second is provided by Microsoft. You can begin with $5 per month per user. Office 365 is also one of the best servers available. Because payment is made both ways, it is possible to start a work email or obtain the full business package from Microsoft.

If you want to learn how to create business email with Google G Suite, Google Workspace, or Microsoft Office 365, you can get free email with your hosting plan. For example, if you use Hostinger as your hosting provider, you'll notice that for $2 per month, you can get one email account free with your plan. 

You can also get a business email for 0.99 per month if you go here to host email. Again, we do not want this to happen. We want an entirely free method. Someone may tell me that their hosting plan does not include an email account, and I want a free work email. That's why I'm going to show you how to create one for free from scratch. But first, we have the third option. 

Did you know you can set up your own mail server in about 30 minutes and get an unlimited number of business email addresses? These business email addresses can even be sold. This was explained in one of my academy courses.  So, without further ado, I believe that is sufficient for the time being. Let's look at how we can create free business email.

Zoho free email account

Go to in your browser. What exactly is zoho? It is simply a service that allows you to creating a professional email address You can see this here. I'm logged in with my Gmail account. All you have to do is sign up, which is free. "Start Using Business Email Without Ads"

Personal or business mail And I'll sign up for free business email, and you can see here that it says one dollar, four dollars, and three dollars. But if you scroll down, you'll find a free forever plan with five GB per user. Register by clicking here.

"Also read: How can I create a custom email address for free?>"

Set up professional business email

Let's get started on create a free business email. I've done a lot of research on how to create a free business email address. I've tested more than five to six methods, and I believe this is the simplest method you'll ever see. There are some more complicated methods, such as forwarding email with a gmail account. 

I believe this is the simplest and best way to create a business email my gmail account I will add a password I agree then sign up Now you can see it says "This account already exists" because I already signed up to test it So anyway just sign up with your mail account I will send you a confirmation email.

Now you can access my account. So we can keep working together, and now we're here. When you log in, this screen will appear in the dashboard. You will be asked to either add your existing site or buy a new one.

You should get your own domain name if you don't already have one. Anyway, because I have one, I'll include my website. As you are aware, we are working on a website as part of this online business chain. We're building an entire business to get new people here to $2000 per month in a matter of seconds. To work from home online, and this is the website I'm building with you.

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So, welcome to my website. I'll put it here and maybe add the site's name. I would prefer education to any other company. Choose your business type, then add it. We must now investigate this website. Continue by clicking here. It will demonstrate that they have two options. 

You can log in to your site provider, in my case, Godaddy, and authentication will be done automatically. Alternatively, we can check manually. I'll open the Godaddy fields now because this method is open to everyone. This is the URL to my website. I'm going to go with DNS. To keep track of my DNS records Let's return to zoho. Simply copy and paste this value here. Go back to Godaddy. A TXT record should be included.

It's the same if you use namecheap, enum, or any other service. Enter a DNS record and choose TXT as the record type. The @ symbol denotes that it refers to the same location. Then copy the value and paste it here to add the record.

Let us return here to verify the ownership record. Let us now enter the username I'll use administrator as an example, but you can use whatever you want. Support, admin, or your name, I'll now send an email to

Create and configure users It is clear that it is a simple wizard. That's why I said it's the simplest way to create a business email, and now for the custom email address. Groups that are continuing and preparing There is nothing here. Navigate to Set DNS.

You must now create mail exchange records. What exactly are MX records? It is simple DNS records that inform everyone on the Internet. When you email, please say hello. Send them to this email server. It's a message exchange record. Anyway, just stick with me.

Now Take note of this address. Return to DNS and add a mx record. I write with priority 10 Paste the value and then add the record Once again, let's copy the second mx2 which is 20 and then add mx 20. Simple.

duplicate the third include mx @ and priority 50 Then copy this value and add it. And as you can see, we now have three Mx records. Priorities 10 and 20 are involved. This is priority number 50. By the way, I always say this, so let's move on with the verification. Continue by creating spf records.

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What is spf records?  

spf is simply a register that secures your email and private domain so that only you can send emails from your own location. This prevents spammers and scammers from sending emails using your name and location. 

Anyway, copy this log and go back to Godaddy and add a TXT record, then paste this. You can see the spf in the value. It only includes zoho, so zoho can only be used to send with your site name, and this part means that anyone else can do it.

Now go back and click Verify. It may take some time to verify, so please wait a few minutes, perhaps 30 minutes. Verification can take up to a day, depending on your location provider. We don't need to wait any longer, so let's get started. The last record is dkim.  Again, dkim is another security record that protects your email, and by the way, configuring spf and dkim is critical for getting to your inbox when you send a campaign.

So I'll make a copy of this record. Return to Godaddy. Insert TXT and copy the value here. This key, TXT text This is the host or name, and record addition That's all there is to it; as you can see, it may take anywhere from 30 minutes to a day, depending on the provider. Continue to email merge We're almost finished.

We don't have to do anything here; simply skip. You can link your mobile phone to your email account. So you can check your work email from your phone if you want, but I'll skip this for now because it's not critical to us.  Check your inbox or go to the Administrator Console. You can access your inbox here, or go to the admin panel.

Anyway, I'm now logging into my inbox. Let us pause for a moment, and you can see that this is our mailbox. Let's put this to the test; I'll go to my gmail account. Make a message and send it to

Hello, this is a ZOHO test message. Send, and let's return to the inbox. It's also cool that you can see new emails from my Gmail account. You can read about it here. You are free to respond and do whatever you want. You have a free business email accounts

We are not finished yet. On our main site, we still need to solve another issue. Log in to your WordPress dashboard by clicking here. This error can be found on our WordPress site.

Until you enter your credentials, the email plugin will be unable to send email. I promised you earlier in this series that we would solve this problem soon. Now is the time to do so.

What is WP mail SMTP?

So what I'm going to do here is go to plugins and click the add new button. And I'll look for the wp smtp plugin, which I'll install here. This plugin enables the use of third-party services. Like Sendgrid, Zoho, and Gmail. Why do we do this? Is there a service for sending emails from WordPress?

Simply because if you are using a vps server or whatever it is they are hosting, the email port may be automatically blocked or the reputation of your IP address may be low, preventing it from reaching the inbox. It is therefore critical to use third-party services with this plugin. 

"Also read: Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace (g suite) 3 Comparison"

Turn it on. Back to the dashboard You can now see that it says smtp mail has been enabled. Please deactivate it. Back here, the plugins Plug-ins were installed. And we need to deactivate the main smtp plugin, which we have already installed. I believe that's it.

Now, refresh the page, and how should we configure this plugin? You will see 'Mail From' if you go here. The domain name and email server In the "Mail from" field, I'll type Name of my business email I'll make an announcement. What is this person's name?

It will appear here, as you can see, with the name zoho team. You can see the "mailing address from" here. So you place these items here. Then we need to enter the email's sender, and you can see that we have a lot of services here. Sparkpost, like Google, is one of the best services. by the method I've previously employed Also, Postmark is the best service, as is Mailgun. 

We also have Zoho mail, but you must use paid activation to use it here. But, as I previously stated, we want free stuff. We can use it if you want, but we prefer the freebies. As a substitute, we can use Sendgrid or Mailgun. Alternatively, I believe Sendinblue offers a free plan.

Sendgrid for multiple websites

Let's go to Sendgrid to demonstrate this; if you look at pricing, you can see this free account. A hundred emails per day, and I believe a new site is more than adequate for transactional emails such as password resets, etc.

So 100 emails should suffice to get you started, and if you go to, you'll notice that they have a better option. When it comes to pricing, You can get 5,000 free emails per month for three months with this flexible plan.

If you want, you can start with this. Then you pay $0.8 per 1000 emails. Sendinblue can be found here. They also offer smtp. service. Let's see if they have a no-cost plan. You can send up to 300 emails per day for free, which is also beneficial.

Let's take a look at the options. They have an API that allows you to define whatever you want. In this article, I will use Sendgrid as an example to show how to work. 

Simply click start for free and sign up. In my case, I already have an account, so I won't waste time recording. Instead, I'll click Sendgrid, login to my account, and you can see that I'm using Sendgrid for multiple websites.

So you must go into settings and then send authentication. Then you must include your website. Click Authenticate Your Site, then choose your host (I'll go with Godaddy). Then press the Next button. What's the URL of your website?

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You can go to Click Next once more to add these records to DNS. If you are using Godaddy, proceed with caution. Copy this log, open Godaddy, and add a cname record, but please paste it here and remove the embouncement part. Just keep the name the same. Get the worth.

Copy and paste here to add history Simply duplicate the second add cname. Copy the value and paste it after removing the embounce part. Save and then copy this again, adding cname and pasting and copying and pasting. I'll remove this and add a record, and we're done. Return to Sendgrid Check the box next to I've made records.

Again, checking the records will most likely take some time. Authenticated worked in my case. We double-checked our website. As you can see, now go to the api keys section and click Create api key. 

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I'll name it embouncewebsite. Make and view Copy the API key from here. Returning to our plugin, Select Sendgrid, copy the API key, and enter your domain Settings should be saved.

Let's put this Email Test to the test now. I'll use my Gmail account. Send the email, wait a few minutes, and it was a huge success. Email was successfully sent. So we set up Sendgrid for our website and Zoho for our email.

Now, when we send emails from our website, they will appear professional and will arrive in your inbox. As I previously stated, this is the first step for a beginner to get started for free. 

You can later integrate into Google Workspace. You can have a distinct Google business email address. You may set up your own mail server.

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